
Oast, J. (2016) “Faithful and valuable”: slavery at Hampden-Sydney College, the University of Virginia, and the Hollins Institute. In Institutional slavery : slaveholding churches, schools, colleges, and businesses in Virginia, 1680-1860 (pp. 159–202). Cambridge University Press. (E-book available with Hollins University login)

Smith, E. (2000). From whence cometh my help : The African American community at Hollins College. University of Missouri Press. (E-book available with Hollins University login)

Student Theses (Hollins Archives)

McCaleb, J. (1994). The integration of African-American students into Hollins College and Roanoke College [Unpublished bachelor’s thesis]. Hollins College.

Thompson, J.B. (1992). The origin and development of the Hollins community: an economic perspective [Unpublished bachelor’s thesis]. Hollins College.

Universities and Renaming: Processes and Policies

Renaming: News

Epstein, H. (2017, February 13) Beyond Yale: These other university buildings have ties to slavery and white supremacy. USA Today, Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/college/2017/02/13/beyond-yale-these-other-university-buildings-have-ties-to-slavery-and-white-supremacy/37427471/

OSU Special Collections and Archives Research Center. (2020). Oregon State University building news. OSU building names assessment (2017-2018): SCARC archival resources. https://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/osu-buildings-history/news


Renaming: Process

Naming or Renaming University Buildings Spaces, Programs and Positions (Brown University)

About renaming campus buildings at GWU // Special Committee on the Colonials Moniker (George Washington University)

Georgetown reflects on slavery, memory, and reconciliation // Georgetown to rename building for Isaac Hawkins, one of 272 enslaved in 1838 Sale (Georgetown)

Campus History Committee: process (James Madison University)

About buildings & place names at OSU // Documents related to OSU evaluation process (Oregon State University)

Queens renames Burwell Hall (Queens University of Charlotte)

U-M defines principles, process for building renaming requests (University of Michigan)

History & context at Ole Miss (University of Mississippi)

Naming and Renaming at William & Mary (William & Mary)

Decision on the name of Calhoun College (Yale)

Renaming: Reports

Report from The Task Force on the Gish Film Theater (Bowling Green State University)

Report of the Special Committee on the Marvin Center Name (George Washington University)

Reclaiming, renaming, repairing: the Campus History Committee Report (James Madison University)

Principles and Procedures for Renaming Buildings and Other Features at Stanford University (Stanford University)

Report of the Task Force on Building Names and Institutional History (University of Minnesota)

Final Report, Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on History and Contextualization (University of Mississippi)

Memorialization and Mission at UVA (University of Virginia)

Final report of the Working Group on Principles of Naming and Renaming (William & Mary)

Report of the Committee to Establish Principles on Renaming (Yale)


Renaming: Scholarly Articles

Alderman, D.H. (2020). Commemorative place naming: to name place, to claim the past, to repair futures. In Naming Places. Wiley. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341412389_Commemorative_Place_Naming_To_Name_Place_To_Claim_the_Past_To_Repair_Futures

Alderman D. H., Reuben, R. (2020). The classroom as “toponymic workspace”: towards a critical pedagogy of campus place renaming. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 44(1), 124-141. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2019.1695108

Brasher J., Alderman D. H. & Inwood J. F. J (2017). Applying critical race and memory studies to university place naming controversies: toward a responsible landscape policy. Papers in Applied Geography, 3(3-4), 292-307. DOI: 10.1080/23754931.2017.1369892

Clowney, S. (2013). Landscape Fairness: Removing Discrimination from the Built Environment. Utah Law Review, 1. Retrieved from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2096409

Ferguson, G. (2019).The perceptions and effects of schools’ names on Black professional educators and their students. [Doctoral dissertation, Marshall University]. Retrieved from https://mds.marshall.edu/etd/1225/

Fernández, N. (2019). When building namesakes have ties to White supremacy: a case study of Oregon State University’s building names evaluation process. Journal of Western Archives, 10(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.26077/b38e-e3dd

Varga, B. A., & Agosto, V. (2020). Unveiling race/ism and white(ness): supremacy through historiartgraphy. In Marking the” Invisible”: Articulating Whiteness in Social Studies Education (pp. 297–325). Information Age Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vonzell_Agosto/publication/341298632_Unveiling_raceism_and_whiteness_supremacy_through_historiartgraphy/links/5eb9e47ca6fdcc1f1dd2d0c8/Unveiling-race-ism-and-whiteness-supremacy-through-historiartgraphy.pdf


Universities and Slavery

Universities Studying Slavery.

African-American Heritage at Sweet Briar.

African Americans at Washington & Lee.

The Lemon Project – College of William & Mary.

Slavery at South Carolina College – University of South Carolina.

Slavery, Memory and Reconciliation – Georgetown University.

Steering Committee on Slavery and Justice – Brown University.


Articles & Books

“Recognizing slavery at Harvard” by Drew G. Faust. The Harvard Crimson, March 2016.

“Georgetown University plans steps to atone for its past” by Rachel L. Swarns. The New York Times, September 2016.

“Georgetown plans to apologize for its role in slavery” by Nick Anderson and Susan Svrluga. The Washington Post, September 2016.

Thomas, R. (2020). Call My Name, Clemson. University of Iowa Press. (E-book available with Hollins University login)



“A difficult, yet undeniable history.” Washington & Lee University.

“Report for Salem Academy and College: A Study of the School’s Education of Female Slaves and its Involvement with Slavery.” Salem Academy and College.

“Report of Commission On Memorials.” Brown University.

“Roots, restoration, remembrances: Sweet Briar cabin.” Tusculum Institute at Sweet Briar College.



Slavery and Its Legacies at Emory University: Reflections on History and Accountability.